bitterroot aquatic center


about bac

The Bitterroot Aquatic Center was built and is operated by Ravalli County Park District #2. As a county facility, the Bitterroot Aquatic Center, is host to, but separate from, the Bitterroot Swim Team, a non-profit, parent-run membership organization. As frequent guests of the pool, it is necessary for us to treat the resources and employees of the pool with the consideration and respect due our hosts. While the pool fees we pay entitle us to the use of the facilities for practices and meets, the BAC requests that parents and swimmers please consider the following:

  • Pick up and delivery of swimmers should be done in a timely manner. Large groups of BST swimmers "hanging out" in the BAC lobby before and after practice causes congestion and makes it difficult for other BAC clients to use the facility.

  • BAC phones are not public phones. Do not ask to use them unless it is necessary. If permitted to use the phones, keep conversations brief.

  • Picnic tables outside the fence have been provided for eating and meeting. Refrain from eating in the pool building or on the pool deck.

  • Shower time is limited. Excessive water usage activities like playing or warming-up in the shower wastes water and resources.

  • Pets are not allowed in the pool building or on the pool deck. It is the responsibility of pet owners to clean up after their pets in all public areas around the BAC.

  • Most importantly, although many BST swimmers and families are involved with the BAC in many other ways, BST families and coaches, and not BAC personnel, are responsible for overseeing BST activities at the pool.

For more information regarding the many services offered by the Bitterroot Aquatic Center, call them at 375-8200 or visit their website at

Bitterroot Aquatic Center Policies and Procedures

BAC-BST Pool Use Agreement